Yes, changes are in the works. Don’t worry – the blog will still be here and who knows? Maybe I’ll start posting again. It has just moved to a new page.
There are a lot of new and fun things going on in my life. I got my NGH hypnosis certification. I set up an LLC and a DBA under the LLC. I am having an absolute blast playing with the DBA right now! It’s so fun and there are no attachments to any outcome here. Just an opportunity for me to be creative, have fun, and the rest will fall into place.
So for now, everything is a work in progress. Things may get messy here and there and you know what? That’s perfectly FINE! One step at a time and it will fall into place just as it needs to. The small changes I am making on my page this morning are just one more step in that direction.
I am so excited to see what the Universe has in store for me now that I’m getting the ball rolling in this direction!