Bring on 2024! I’m Ready!
Why I am so excited about 2024? I pulled the wolf card as my animal medicine for the year. Oh boy – did that card ever resonate with me right now. Just PERFECT for me, if I do say so myself.

So what does wolf medicine mean to me? According to the writeup for the card:
“If you have drawn Wolf’s card, you may be able to share your personal medicine with others. Your intuitive side may also have an answer or teaching for your personal use at this time. As you feel Wolf coming alive within you, you may wish to share your knowledge by writing or lecturing on information that will help others better understand their uniqueness or path in life. It is in the sharing of great truths that the consciousness of humanity will attain new heights.”
Medicine Cards – Jamie Sams, David Carson
Amazon link: Medicine Cards – Jamie Sams, David Carson
Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes to all of this for me in 2024!
2023 had me staying quite introspective, learning a lot about myself. I was so deep in learning mode, that I forgot to come up for air and talk about what I was learning. 2024 will be year to show up, shine, share my gifts, and inspire others.
Once again, I am not sure what that will look like. Of course I have ideas! So many ideas… I want to write, I want to have a podcast, I want to do videos, I want to start a group back up, I want to connect with others, I want to learn more, I want to grow. So much to do and just not enough time to do it ALL. I sure will try though.
For now, I will concentrate on blog entries. I tend to overwhelm myself with so many things and concentrating on ONE thing for now will be just fine. There’s enough I can say with a blog if I simply remember to show up and share my voice with the world. When I pulled the wolf card and shared it in a group I’m in, a dear friend said “I mean I know you’ve got it all built… start sharing your voice!”
I do have it all built, don’t I? It’s all there, ready for me when I’m “ready”. Ready and waiting for me. Ok, maybe it’s not all built just yet, but the tools are there waiting for me to build them. Will 2024 be my year for building my empire? Only if I choose to. Getting the itch to come out from hiding, start talking again, and blow up whatever is in my way of my dreams.
So, Wolfie – I’m ready! What ya got for me?

One thought on “Bring On 2024! I’m Ready!”
Wolfie!!! I patiently awaiting the podcast:)